To be honest, I think 3 year olds are my favorite to shoot - they have no inhibitions yet and can be bribed with m&ms and then think I'm the coolest. However, everyone is beautiful and my goal in creating stunning portraits is to bring out your or your family's best. I don't believe in forcing a family with small kids to get up in the wee hours to grab that perfect early morning sun and mist coming over the fields. I don't believe in forcing kids into uncomfortable clothes or taking pictures of babies in staged vignettes in the middle of the forest. I don't believe in photoshopping you skinnier/taller/less bald (although zits, drool and booggers are standard for photoshop treatment). I think the best portraits, especially of families and kids, are made when everyone is relaxed, well fed, and comfortable and it's my job to make whatever location or time of day that is work to our advantage. Also, grandparents? Dogs? Bring it on! I love getting to shoot the extended family. I love even more clients I get to see year after year and documents how their families grow.